The Wolf Connection
Welcome to 'The Wolf Connection' Podcast. Here, we explore the intricate relationship between humans, predators, and the natural world. Topics range from The Future Of Wild Lands, Biodiversity, Biology, Conservation, Co existing with wildlife for the benefit of our ecological future, and Re-discovering the human/wolf connection.
Finding common ground within these conversations may prove to be essential to our development as individuals, the cultivation of productive societies, and a sustainable civilization on this planet.
Immerse yourself in a broad range of subjects with a wide array of guests from Scientists, Authors, Conservationists, Visual Artists, Ranchers, Hunters, Naturalists and even Wolf Connection Staff & Volunteers!
Podcasting since 2020 • 230 episodes
The Wolf Connection
Latest Episodes
Episode #208 KC York - Trapping Regulations Impacting Bears & Wolves in Montana
KC York is the President & Founder of Trap Free Montana since its inception in 2013. They represent hikers, anglers, hunters, wildlife watchers, ranchers, pet owners and outdoor enthusiasts concerned about or adamantly opposed to trapping.<...
Episode #207 Courtney Vail - Wolf Updates in Colorado
Courtney Vail is the Board Chair and Community Outreach Advisor for Rocky Mountain Wolf Project. As a wildlife biologist and social scientist with a deep background in environmental policy and psychology, she has provided leadership for the des...
Episode #206 Delia Malone - An Ecological Overview of Colorado
Delia Malone is the Wildlife Chair for the Colorado Chapter of the Sierra Club, and an Ecologist for the Colorado Natural Heritage Program at Colorado State University. She has also been at the forefront of wolf reintroduction efforts for the s...
Episode #205 Angie Ruiz - Wonders of the Wolf
Angie Ruiz is a writer, director, and producer of award-winning documentaries Forever Faithful & Black Beauty Breed that can be seen on Apple+, Amazon Prime, and Vimeo On Demand. Her new film, Wonders ...
Episode #204 Matt Hyde & Mauriel Rodriguez - California Wolf Project
Matt Hyde and Mauriel Rodriguez are both Postdoctoral Researchers helping with California Wolf Project. California Wolf Project seeks to develop a model for how to bring universities, government agencies, and local communities together around t...