The Wolf Connection
Welcome to 'The Wolf Connection' Podcast. Here, we explore the intricate relationship between humans, predators, and the natural world. Topics range from The Future Of Wild Lands, Biodiversity, Biology, Conservation, Co existing with wildlife for the benefit of our ecological future, and Re-discovering the human/wolf connection.
Finding common ground within these conversations may prove to be essential to our development as individuals, the cultivation of productive societies, and a sustainable civilization on this planet.
Immerse yourself in a broad range of subjects with a wide array of guests from Scientists, Authors, Conservationists, Visual Artists, Ranchers, Hunters, Naturalists and even Wolf Connection Staff & Volunteers!
233 episodes
Episode #211 Hannah Rheaume - Storytelling Through Photography
Hannah Rheaume has been a professional photographer for 5 years. She has traveled the globe, sharing her stories through the lens of her camera, while aiming to explore the complexities of humans and their impact on the natural world.She...

Episode #210 Amy Porter - Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conflict
Amy Porter is the Director of Conservation with Wolf Haven International and is part of the Wolf Advisory Group with the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. She has done research in Congo, working with communities on conservation effo...

Episode #209 Mike Koshmrl & Amanda Eggert - The Year of the Wolves
Mike Koshmrl has been an environmental reporter and journalist for over a decade. He previously worked with Jackson Hole News & Guide and currently writes for WyoFile, reporting on environmental, conservation and natural issues concerning t...

Episode #208 KC York - Trapping Regulations Impacting Bears & Wolves in Montana
KC York is the President & Founder of Trap Free Montana since its inception in 2013. They represent hikers, anglers, hunters, wildlife watchers, ranchers, pet owners and outdoor enthusiasts concerned about or adamantly opposed to trapping.<...

Episode #207 Courtney Vail - Wolf Updates in Colorado
Courtney Vail is the Board Chair and Community Outreach Advisor for Rocky Mountain Wolf Project. As a wildlife biologist and social scientist with a deep background in environmental policy and psychology, she has provided leadership for the des...

Episode #206 Delia Malone - An Ecological Overview of Colorado
Delia Malone is the Wildlife Chair for the Colorado Chapter of the Sierra Club, and an Ecologist for the Colorado Natural Heritage Program at Colorado State University. She has also been at the forefront of wolf reintroduction efforts for the s...

Episode #205 Angie Ruiz - Wonders of the Wolf
Angie Ruiz is a writer, director, and producer of award-winning documentaries Forever Faithful & Black Beauty Breed that can be seen on Apple+, Amazon Prime, and Vimeo On Demand. Her new film, Wonders ...

Episode #204 Matt Hyde & Mauriel Rodriguez - California Wolf Project
Matt Hyde and Mauriel Rodriguez are both Postdoctoral Researchers helping with California Wolf Project. California Wolf Project seeks to develop a model for how to bring universities, government agencies, and local communities together around t...

Episode #203 Ellen Dymit - Sea Wolves on the Katmai Coast
Ellen Dymit is a doctoral student at Oregon State University and is one of the researchers who has studied coastal sea wolves along the Katmai Coast in Alaska in 2021. The majority of her findings detail the prey base of these wolves and their ...

Episode #202 Matt Metz - Wolf/Prey Dynamics in Yellowstone
Matt Metz has been a biologist with the Yellowstone National Park Wolf, Cougar, and Elk projects for over two decades. He specializes in studying prey dynamics among these species and their ecological impacts on the park.Matt provided an...

Episode #201 Mari Lyly & Madeleine Nyman - Wolves in Finland
Madeleine Nyman is the Project Manager for LIFE BOREALWOLF, which conveys information about wolves and their behaviour, promotes local interaction and provides tools for the prevention of adverse impact and losses caused by wolves.Mari ...

Episode #200 Cassi Camara - Environmental Education Worldwide
Cassi Camara is an Environmental Education Specialist for the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. She works to bring conservation, stewardship and environmental education to younger generations both domestically and through her ...

Episode #199 Cecilia Di Bernardi - Wolves in Scandinavia
Cecilia Di Bernardi is a post doctorate at Grimsö Wildlife Research Station, Department of Ecology, SLU, with a research focus in Ecology and Management of large mammals. The majority of her work with wolf populations is conducted within Scandi...

Episode #198 Jeff Reed - Bioacoustics & Cry Wolf Project
Dr. Jeff Reed is a computational linguist who is based just beyond the northern border of Yellowstone National Park. Working in tandem with the Yellowstone Wolf Project, the Cry Wolf Project records wolf sounds 24 hours a day from up to 60 reco...

Episode #197 Kayla Fratt - K9 Conservationists: Dogs Detecting Data
Kayla Fratt is the Co-Founder of K9 Conservationists, whose mission is to unite highly trained conservation detection dog teams with researchers to collect scientific data. They aim to provide mentorship, education, and foster collaboration amo...

Episode #196 Kurt Holtzen - Conflict Mitigation in Colorado
Kurt Holtzen has been a Conflict Mitigation Specialist for around 20 years. He has spent the last 4 years in Colorado helping create relationships to foster coexistence and promote good conflict mitigation methods as wolves were set to be reint...

Episode #195 Daniel Mallwitz - Wolves in Sweden
Daniel Mallwitz has been the Head of Field Work for the County Board in Vastmanland, Sweden for about 10 years. He is in charge of monitoring and managing many of the large carnivores in his county, including wolves, bears, lynx and wolverine. ...

Episode #194 Sarah Hanafin - Wolf Educator, Conservationist & Volunteer
Sarah Hanafin has been volunteering with both Wolves of Maine and Wolf Hollow for almost a decade. She uses her Instagram platform to promote wolf education and conservation, while sharing her stories with wolves and wolfdogs from around the co...

Episode #193 Wendy Keefover - Carnivore Conservation, The Humane Society of the United States
Wendy Keefover has been the Senior Strategist for Carnivore Protection at The Humane Society of the United States for over 10 years. She has been a wildlife advocate and working to protect carnivores for over 30 years. We talked about m...

Episode #192 Jeremy SunderRaj - Wolf Research in Montana
Jeremy SunderRaj has been a Science Technician with the Yellowstone Wolf, Elk and Cougar project for over 5 years. Prior to his work in Yellowstone, he spent three summers trapping and collaring wolves for the State of Montana. Jeremy s...

Episode #191 Kira Cassidy - Wolf 907F & Wolf Elders in Yellowstone
Kira Cassidy has been a Research Associate with the Yellowstone Wolf Project for over 12 years. She has always been a source of important facts & research of the wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Kira spoke about Wolf 907F, who h...

Episode #190 Forrest Galante - Wolf Connection, Biodiversity and Upcoming Adventures
Forrest Galante has many titles, a wildlife biologist, television host and explorer just to name just a few! His mission is to inspire and educate people about animals and adventure through the media, including hosting programs on Animal Planet...

Episode #189 Taylor Rabe - Wildlife Technician, Yellowstone National Park
Taylor Rabe has been a Wildlife Technician in Yellowstone National Park for the Wolf, Cougar and Elk Projects for over 2 1/2 years. She is also the Inaugural Fellow for Conservation Nation. Taylor updated us on what's happening inside Y...

Episode #188 Marc Bekoff - The Emotional Lives of Animals
Marc Bekoff is a professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Marc has published 31 books and has won many awards for his research on animal behavior, animal emotions (cognitive ethology), compa...