The Wolf Connection
Welcome to 'The Wolf Connection' Podcast. Here, we explore the intricate relationship between humans, predators, and the natural world. Topics range from The Future Of Wild Lands, Biodiversity, Biology, Conservation, Co existing with wildlife for the benefit of our ecological future, and Re-discovering the human/wolf connection.
Finding common ground within these conversations may prove to be essential to our development as individuals, the cultivation of productive societies, and a sustainable civilization on this planet.
Immerse yourself in a broad range of subjects with a wide array of guests from Scientists, Authors, Conservationists, Visual Artists, Ranchers, Hunters, Naturalists and even Wolf Connection Staff & Volunteers!
The Wolf Connection
Episode #174 Ramey Newell - A Good Wolf
Ramey Newell is an American-Canadian filmmaker, photographer, and multidisciplinary artist who splits her time between British Columbia and Oregon. Her new film, A Good Wolf, is a feature-length documentary that explores diverging viewpoints on what 'A Good Wolf' means to different individuals. Those views are explored within the context of this lengthy, emotionally charged, and continuing battle over how wolves (and bears) are managed at the northeast boundary of Denali National Park.
Ramey discussed her background in photography and filmmaking, what factors drew her to make the film, and how she balanced perspectives on such an emotionally charged issue.
A Good Wolf premieres at the MountainFilm Festival in Telluride, CO May 23 - 27
Ramey Newell Website
A Good Wolf Website
MountainFilm Festival Website (Purchase Passes)