The Wolf Connection
Welcome to 'The Wolf Connection' Podcast. Here, we explore the intricate relationship between humans, predators, and the natural world. Topics range from The Future Of Wild Lands, Biodiversity, Biology, Conservation, Co existing with wildlife for the benefit of our ecological future, and Re-discovering the human/wolf connection.
Finding common ground within these conversations may prove to be essential to our development as individuals, the cultivation of productive societies, and a sustainable civilization on this planet.
Immerse yourself in a broad range of subjects with a wide array of guests from Scientists, Authors, Conservationists, Visual Artists, Ranchers, Hunters, Naturalists and even Wolf Connection Staff & Volunteers!
The Wolf Connection
Episode #194 Sarah Hanafin - Wolf Educator, Conservationist & Volunteer
Sarah Hanafin has been volunteering with both Wolves of Maine and Wolf Hollow for almost a decade. She uses her Instagram platform to promote wolf education and conservation, while sharing her stories with wolves and wolfdogs from around the country.
Sarah spoke about her early years of volunteering, how her platform has been able to help wolves and people in their individual journeys, and her visit to Wolf Connection.
Wolf Hollow Website
Wolves of Maine Website